Winning Behavior: What the Smartest, Most Successful Companies Do Differently

by:  David G. Pugh   Terry R. Bacon Ph.D.     
Winning Behavior gives companies a new way to increase business: by 'outbehaving' rivals so that customers see a positive behavioral difference at every customer touchpoint-from product development and branding to bids and proposals, service, and much more. It is this company-wide Behavioral Differentiation that breeds lasting customer loyalty by allowing any company to distinguish itself from competitors in a tough, crowded market.Winning Behavior will prove to be a landmark book in the literature on customer service and customer relationship management: there has never been a book on Behavioral Differentiation before, but readers will see its potential in the results of the blue-ribbon organizations that practice it. Packed with eye-opening case histories and examples.
Winning Behavior: What the Smartest, Most Successful Companies Do Differently

Winning Behavior: What the Smartest, Most Successful Companies Do Differently
