Official Guide to the Smithsonian - Revised Edition

by:   Smithsonian   

This colorful guide to the eight museums and galleries on the National Mall, five more in the Washington metropolitan area, two in New York City, and the National Zoo presents an enormous amount of history and pertinent museum information, ensuring a rewarding visit.

Each detailed section presents the history of each museum and offers a fully illustrated, gallery-by-gallery tour. The Star-Spangled Banner, the Wright brothers' Flyer, a life-size woolly mammoth, a sculpture from the 8th-century Tang dynasty, and the Zoo's giant pandas are just a few of the treasures waiting to be discovered.

All the practical information -- location, hours, phone numbers, public transportation, services, tours, dining, gift shops, special attractions for children, Web site addresses -- is included. This sturdy guide has been accessibly produced by the Smithsonian's award-winning designers and is beautifully photographed through-out in full color.

Official Guide to the Smithsonian - Revised Edition

Official Guide to the Smithsonian - Revised Edition
