The Art of My Soul

by:  Rosalind Golden Saline      
 Trade Paperback 
The Art of My Soul is a compilation of art and ponderings by Rosalind Golden Saline.

From meditation, observation, inspiration and imagination comes the art and poetry of this book. Rosalind's adventurous and sometimes painful life opened her to the muses and healing power of creativity.

Enjoy this search for the divine found in the beauty of nature, art, poetry, and words of wisdom from scripture. It is a search towards making personal and planetary change for a more positive and loving world. Individually, we can move from pain to peace. Collectively, we can move from pain to peace. We have the power with God's help to make a better planet for all beings.

May this book invite you to explore the art of your soul.

Part of the proceeds from your purchase of this book will go to charity.
The Art of My Soul

The Art of My Soul
