She Who Dwells

by:  Jessica Landmon 

CAN I REALLY LIVE A LIFE OF PEACE RATHER THAN BEING CONSUMED BY FEAR? Fear and anxiety are issues that women continually struggle with. This is not God's intention for His daughters. He wants them to be set free from the lies of the enemy so that they can become all they are destined to be in Christ Jesus. She Who Dwells is a verse-by-verse study of Psalm 91, digging deep into the promises of God. This book will equip women to live lives of faith and trust in their Creator. This eleven-chapter book is designed for group or personal study and is appropriate for women of all ages. Women will: - Learn practical techniques in how to get into the presence of God - Discover what dwelling with their Heavenly Father actually looks like - Understand how to trust the Lord at His Word - Dive into a deeper study of the character, nature, and the very heart of our loving Creator Instead of being consumed by the "what-ifs" of this world, a woman will learn to dwell in the arms of her Heavenly Father when the storms of life come rolling in.
She Who Dwells

She Who Dwells
