A Logan's Creek Novel
The day hot-headed Abby Carter blows up her carefully curated life in Chicago, she takes a pair of scissors to her too-small Spanx. If she's walking out on the advertising career she once loved, she's going to be comfortable doing it. Was she too hasty? That's her first thought after her epic departure from Cromby, Pillar and Sax. So, sitting on a park bench outside the company's offices, she messages her ride-or-die friends, the Leading Ladies.
Abby's heart returns to its normal rhythm when the Leading Ladies tell her she's done the right thing. Come home to Logan's Creek, they tell her, where they're all waiting. Her spirits lift; she is, after all, a small-town girl, and the big city has worn her down. But then she remembers she hasn't told her laidback boyfriend (no labels) Ian, who looks like actor Liam Hemsworth, if Liam were better looking. Through a series of misunderstandings, she and Ian part ways. (Ian can be clueless, and there's Abby's temper to deal with, so what can I say?)
When she returns to Logan's Creek, she runs into her first love, Josh. He's too handsome for his own good, and he knows it. But in the decade since Abby left town, he's not been able to forget her. Not that he hasn't given a trove of women a chance. Josh, with his dimples and dark eyes, likes the ladies as much as they like him.
Josh is running for mayor. Abby needs a job, so the two make a deal. Abby will run his campaign. A win/win, right? Not so fast. The current mayor is as crooked as a corkscrew, and is willing to do anything to win. If that means undermining Josh and threatening Abby to step away from the campaign, then so be it.
In the meantime, Ian decides Abby means more to him than he realized. And maybe, just maybe, their casual arrangement wasn't the best idea. He shows up in Logan's Creek, intent on winning her back. He may even be willing to commit. Stranger things have happened. Abby, however, just might be falling back in love with Josh. She already loves his family, shares his values, and her parents still invite him over on holidays.
As much as Abby wants to figure out her love life (#tornbetweentwolovers), there's a bigger problem. If the current mayor wins reelection, it could be terrible for Logan's Creek. So she puts romance on the back burner, recruits the Leading Ladies to help shake up the electorate, and runs across an anonymous blogger who writes laugh-out-loud gossip about the town.
As the election draws near, Abby tries to concentrate on messaging, and town hall meetings. But that darn heart of hers keeps flip-flopping.
Will she end up with Josh? (#loganscreekforever) Or will she return to Chicago with Ian? (#hestoosexyforhisshirt) How do you choose between the homecoming king and the man who can make you forget your own name with just the touch of his fingertips?